In case you haven't noticed, the US has been hit with some extremely cold weather!  The temperatures have gotten so cold that the fear of frostbite has kept me from letting my son go out unless absolutely necessary.  So to keep my sanity, I have found a bunch of different activities to keep him entertained.

Last week the weather was some of the worst we have had in a very long time.  And while it may not be as extreme, the next couple days are going to be pretty cold.  Here are a few things that my son and I do to avoid boredom when it's too cold to go outside!

Build a Fort

This is always a favorite at our house.  We rearrange our furniture and get out the extra bedsheets and pillows.  My son can play in his fort for hours!

Bake Goodies

This is always fun!  I let my son pick out his favorite recipe and we get to baking.  Little helpers in the kitchen is always fun and then you can enjoy the finished product together.

Board Games

I like to buy board games from time to time so that we have a little collection.  On days when it is to cold to go anywhere, we bust out the games.  Candyland, Sorry, Monopoly or any other board game you have will work.  You get quality time with your kids and you'll have fun in a nice warm house.


Bust out the crayons, glitter glue and construction paper!  I'm sure you have some art stuff hiding out in drawers or a closet  Have your kids make cards for Valentine's day or to decorate your house.  Or if you have coloring books, have a coloring contest.

Treasure Hunt

This is always fun.  Get some familiar objects and hide them around the house.  Then give your kids a list of the object (if they can't read draw them pictures) and have them go search.  You can treat the winner with a cookie or small candy bar.

Have a Tea Party

Is it time for an afternoon snack?  Why not have a tea party.  Girls and boys alike will enjoy this.  Brew up some tea and sweet bread.  It will be fun to have tea time with little cups and saucers.

Dance Party

This is fun for everybody.  Find some good tunes and get to dancing.  Not only will y'all have fun dancing, but the kiddos will wear themselves out.

Story Time

Pick out some of your favorite books and take turns reading them to each other.  Try and find some stories that are new to your kids.

Movie Time

Pick out some of your favorite movies, pop some popcorn and huddle together for a movie marathon.

Take a Nap

The cold weather is the perfect time to snuggle up in a nice warm blanket and nap!

These are just a few things to do when the weather is so too cold to go out.  What are some of the things you and your family do to have fun indoors?

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