‘Avatar 2’ Wraps Shooting For 2019 With Epic Set Photo
Do the Na’vi know it’s Christmas?
Maybe, maybe not. But either way, they get the month off for the holidays. The official Avatar Twitter account shared a photo this weekend commemorating the conclusion of shooting of 2019 on Avatar 2 — the first of four upcoming Avatar sequels — with a new photo from the set of the film. This is one of the first official images from behind the scenes of James Cameron’s massive sequel quadrilogy to Avatar which was, until very recently, the biggest film of all time. (Avengers: Endgame recently surpassed it for the top stop on the worldwide box office list.)
Here is the photo, which supposedly shows the “aft well deck section” of the mothership from the film that “carries an array of other sea-going craft”:
“The Sea Dragon” is the most Avatar name for anything ever.
There’s not much known plot-wise about the films, beyond the fact that the sequels begin about a dozen years after the first Avatar, and will introduce some new alien races, along with another invasion from the greedy Earthbound forces. Avatar 2 opens in theaters on December 17, 2021. Avatar 3 opens in theaters on December 22, 2023. Avatar 4 opens on December 19, 2025. And, Avatar 5 opens in theaters on December 17, 2027. I really hope I live long enough to see all of these Avatars. It would suck to see Avatar 2 and 3 and 4 and then not find out how it all ends.
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