Dingbat Tries to Use Monopoly ‘Get Out of Jail’ Card in Real Life
There have been changes in Monopoly, but this isn't one of them.
A man in Ravenna Township, Minn, tried to use a Monopoly "Get Out of Jail" card when police arrested him last weekend. The unidentified suspect, 35, was wanted on a fifth-degree controlled substance warrant.
The Dakota County Sheriff's Office had a good chuckle about the incident, which they shared with all the world on social media.
This guy was certainly grasping at straws, so we're surprised he didn't try to blame the whole thing on Colonel Mustard. In any event, he's probably looking at Connect 4-6 months in jail for his crime (which is much better than Life) and we can only assume he's Sorry about the Risk he took in giving the card.
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