I've written to you several times about my love for Palo Duro Canyon. It's easily one of my favorite places to spend a weekend in the Texas panhandle. I was unaware that the good times don't end with the warmer temperatures.

Palo Duro Canyon has an amazing amount of events lined up this month.

You Can Still Visit Palo Duro Canyon In December, Apparently.

Surely, I can't be the only person who doesn't think about visiting Palo Duro Canyon in the winter months. I feel most of us regard hiking in the canyon as a spring and summer type of activity.

For those of us who think life slows down in the canyon during the winter, well we couldn't be more wrong. There is still a lot happening.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin

There are several events scheduled at Palo Duro Canyon, which means I may need to grab a coat and head to one of my favorite spots.

Several Guided Hikes Are On The Calendar

This Saturday there is a guided hike that will show you how erosion is still affecting the canyon. On Dec 20, there's another hike that teaches about the geology of the canyon. That one is cutely titled "A Slice Of Palo Duro Pie."

I can dig it.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin

There are more planned for Dec 21, 22, and 28. Dec 30 is when you can go and learn how to hike safely at night.

On January 1, you can celebrate the new year with a sunset or self guided First Day Hike.

If you aren't following Palo Duro Canyon on Facebook, you might want to start. I'm finding out there's a lot to keep up with.

Is Going To Palo Duro Canyon Worth It?

I'm really excited about all of the stuff happening at Palo Duro Canyon. I'm always on the hunt for affordable outings with the kids (of which I have four that I'll need to pay for). My kids are all young (under 13), so they get in free.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin

A trip for all of the kids and I to the canyon winds up costing us $8. They love it out there. I love it out there. It's a win-win.

Keep an eye on the weather forecasts. If it's warm enough for you, Palo Duro Canyon might actually be a good choice for a weekend activity. There's plenty going on, and it won't break the bank.

Take A Quick Look Inside One Of Palo Duro Canyon's Caves

Check Out These Photos Of The Hidden Cave In Palo Duro Canyon.

Is This The Legendary Cave Of Palo Duro Canyon?

I've heard rumors of caves in Palo Duro Canyon. Surely, this isn't all there is.

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