As you've now seen and heard from the entire Internet and their grandmother, the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, announced that the state will reopen. Starting March 10, licensed businesses of any type will be permitted to reopen at 100% capacity.

Gov. Abbott also rescinded the same executive orders he had enacted months prior in order to protect the health and safety of his constituents. One of these orders being the mask mandate.

Shockingly, health experts across the globe disagree with. According to a CNN news report covering the States' pull back on Covid-19 restrictions dated March 2, the director of the CDC was ready to scream bloody murder at the possibility of losing "the hard-earned ground we have gained".

The director also made a direct plea to the American public to "Please stay strong in your conviction."

By the end of this coming week, Texas will be back open for business and no masks are required. The argument for opening the state back up at full capacity is made on the basis that Texans and small business owners in particular need the opportunity to counter the financial blows dealt by Covid restrictions.

On the contrary, there are small business owners who are now in a position where they must weigh out the economic costs against the health and safety of their employees and customers.

Palace Coffee, a locally owned coffee shop that has worked to weather the Covid storm of 2020 has made a public statement that they are choosing to continue to require masks be worn in order to enter the store. 

They do not care that Gov. Abbott did away with the mask mandate.

They've chosen to do the right thing: protect the health and safety of their staff and customers.

They've chosen to continue asking that masks be worn inside the business until their employees are all fully vaccinated.

You want their coffee? Put your mask on.

Palace Coffee has made a bold move. They make the clear statement that they have a responsibility to the health and safety of their staff, guests, and community at large. And they will continue to follow safety protocols to keep the public safe.

You know, basic human decency. That kind of wild stuff. Hats off to Palace Coffee.


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