PSA: How To Make Sure A Radio Station Will Not Play Your Song

Getting your song played on the radio is a benchmark goal for a lot of artists. Today, accomplishing that feat is harder than ever.
One thing is for sure. If you want to make sure your song doesn't get played, you do exactly what was done here when I checked my mail today.
When putting your kit together, and you really need to think about the experience as a whole for whoever is going to be opening it up and listening to your track. Looking at the art on the front of the CD, I instantly think this track is going to have teeth.
Then, you read the "pitch sheet." This is the piece of paper that tells you who is on the track, any accomplishments the band may have, and why you should take time out of your day to listen.
In the case of this song, they came out throwing punches at Joe Bonamassa, Gary Moore, and Slash. Those are some big names to invoke. Throw in some well placed expletives, and I'm interested.
It goes on to say that this version of the song is the best version and that everyone else should stop trying. I'm getting a little excited at this point. The bravado. The intensity. I swear this write up could have been done by Steel Panther.
And maybe it was, because after listening to the track it has me wondering if it was all a joke. The guitar playing is on par with what you hear in Guitar Center on a Sunday afternoon while everyone is working off their hangovers.
The vocals are adequate. There's nothing here to separate them from anyone else who was into 80s metal.
The track borderlines on getting started for over five minutes, and then it ends.
Listening to this track was like going to a crappy strip club. A lot of build up that just leaves you frustrated and a little angry.
If you want a radio station to play your song, make sure that whatever claims you make, you back up on the track.
Otherwise, it goes in File 13.
Also, cover songs aren't the way. The jukebox is cheap and I don't have to listen someone butcher the source material.
Here are the top 25 hits of the ‘80s based on their overall popularity.
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