Rejoice! You Can Buy Beer and Wine on Sunday Mornings in Texas!

Well, this is a Texas law that has been long, long overdue!
It is now legal for people to buy beer starting at 10 a.m. on Sundays in the state of Texas.
House Bill 1518 was passed by the 87th Texas Legislature and went into effect on Wednesday, Sept. 1, along with 665 other new laws. The law amends the Alcoholic Beverage Code to allow grocery stores and convenience stores to sell beer and wine starting at 10 a.m. on Sundays instead of having to wait until noon.
This is welcome news for all of us football fans. How many times on Sunday have you gone to your fridge on Sunday morning, see you're out of beer and realize you have to wait until kickoff at noon to replenish your supply? Well now you can make that trip to the store and have a frosty cold one in time for the start of the game.
Now that we can buy beer and wine on Sunday mornings, the ban on Sunday liquor sales needs to be lifted if you ask me.
Liquor sales are still off-limits on Sundays. You also still can't buy liquor on Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's Day or before 10 a.m. or after 9 p.m. on any other day.
The bill does, however, include an amendment that allows hotel bars to sell alcohol to registered guests at any time of day.
The start of Texas alcohol bans goes back to 1935 when lawmakers passed the Texas Liquor Control Act in response to the repeal of Prohibition. The act also created the Texas Liquor Control Board, which would later be renamed the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). The act itself was updated in 1977, becoming the Alcoholic Beverage Code.
So, what do you think? Are you happy to be able to buy beer and wine in Texas on Sunday mornings now? Should we also be able to buy liquor? Tell us what you think on Facebook or on our station app.
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