Rob Gronkowski Intercepts Wedding Bouquet for Totally Unknown Reason
Rob Gronkowski -- part-time tight end, full-time party animal.
The New England Patriots star has once again made headlines for his goofy behavior by intercepting a bouquet thrown by a groom toward his wife at their wedding and then spiking it.
It's unclear how Gronk knows the happy couple (or if he even knows them at all).
This incident is the latest piece of evidence Gronk supporters, i.e., Patriots fans, can point to when explaining why they love him so much. It's also the latest piece of evidence Gronk detractors, i.e., Patriots haters, can point to when explaining why they think he's such a buffoon.
And because he's a football player, you know we have to look at the tape to find other angles of his pick. Hmm, a play like this makes us wonder if maybe, just maybe, Gronk ought to consider going two ways and playing the secondary.