New Year resolutions are about to be all over the news. Don't be bullied by those self-help nuts. Here are ways to stay awesome next year with minimal effort.
I was driving around Amarillo,Texas this past weekend looking for a place to eat lunch and there are a bunch of new restaurants opening up. I actually didn't know where to eat at with all the new great food being offered. All these new establishments that have opened here look really delicious.
Americans and obesity seem to go together these days like KFC and angioplasty, so it only makes sense we continue to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining good health.
The warning signs of a potential epidemic in heart disease are becoming more evident, new research showing that moms who are very heavy during pregnancy may be saddling their children with more than just a few extra pounds.
It’s been a little over a week since New Year’s resolutions kicked in, officially long enough to determine if you’ve started that diet that you promised yourself — if, in fact, you picked what is usually the year’s most popular resolution.
By analyzing the results of a 10-year longitudinal study of 474 people, researchers were able to determine that the participants who drank two or more diet sodas a day experienced a waist size increase 70 percent greater than those who stayed away from diet soda.
Dr. Martin P. Paulus, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, and an author of the study, offered this the