Did You Know Texas Could Use This To Watch Our Speed While Driving?Did You Know Texas Could Use This To Watch Our Speed While Driving?We've all sped at points while driving, be honest Texans. But we all think we won't be caught. But above the skies, can Texas see us speeding?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
World's Largest Buc-ee's Opens, Won't Hold Title for LongWorld's Largest Buc-ee's Opens, Won't Hold Title for LongThe world's largest Buc-ee's has opened its doors but it won't be the biggest for long when a new store opens along I-10 in just a matter of months. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Is It Illegal In Texas To Drive While Wearing Headphones?Is It Illegal In Texas To Drive While Wearing Headphones?The answer may surprise you.ChrissyChrissy
Hey Amarillo, Let's Talk Driving. Do You Know How To?Hey Amarillo, Let's Talk Driving. Do You Know How To?Is it possible to cut out just a COUPLE of these irritations?Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Is The Cost of Gas Changing Up Your Spring Break Plans?Is The Cost of Gas Changing Up Your Spring Break Plans?We have been watching it for awhile. The price of gas is steadily going up. I filled up my daughter's vehicle the other day at $3.49 a gallon. I watched the final price as it climbed up to $51.Melissa BartlettMelissa Bartlett
Texans Are The Worst Drivers In The U.S.? Yup, We’re #1 On This New List.Texans Are The Worst Drivers In The U.S.? Yup, We’re #1 On This New List.I wouldn't say this is a list we actually WANT to be on.Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Amarillo Snow Driving? Here's A Few Tips & Some Advice For YouAmarillo Snow Driving? Here's A Few Tips & Some Advice For YouSnow driving doesn't have to be hard. If you can't check all these boxes, stay off the road. Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
New Report Shows Texans Drive Drunk Too MuchNew Report Shows Texans Drive Drunk Too MuchThis is the kind of thing that makes me not want to get on the roads...ever.Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
When I First Started Driving In Amarillo…When I First Started Driving In Amarillo…Everywhere is a different experience. Am I wrong on my take of Amarillo driving?Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Quick List: These Are the 4 Worst Parking Lots in AmarilloQuick List: These Are the 4 Worst Parking Lots in AmarilloNot all parking lots are created equal. Some are nightmares.CharlieCharlie
We Shouldn't Have To Talk About Amarillo's Drunk Driving ProblemWe Shouldn't Have To Talk About Amarillo's Drunk Driving ProblemYet another day with news of a drunk driver hitting a police car.CharlieCharlie
A Reminder on How to Drive Safe on Ice This Week in AmarilloA Reminder on How to Drive Safe on Ice This Week in AmarilloBe safe, and here's to hoping this stuff all clears out by Halloween.CharlieCharlie