Universal has announced they're making a sequel to 'Snow White and the Huntsman,' which means that either the first film was a sneaky success, or that studios are desperate for sequels. Regardless, the 2012 fantasy film's sequel is officially on the way, with plans to release it in 2015.
After all these months, it's finally happened -- 'The Twilight Saga' has been nominated for the 2013 Razzies... in literally every category! What's the rule, again? If your only awards come from the MTV Movie Awards and People's Choice, expect to get a Razzie?
Well, the year is nearly over, so let's look back and hate on it a little bit. So many, many things were annoying this year. People starting saying "cray-cray" all the time, and for some reason they also all decided it was okay to waggle their chewed up gum halfway out of their mouths on the train. It's not. It's never okay.
Kristen Stewart appears nude in the upcoming indie film 'On the Road' - that we know. The film doesn't open until December 21st but photos from Kristen Stewart's nude scene have already leaked online and available for the world to see.