
Marshal Lynch Skittles
Marshal Lynch Skittles
Marshal Lynch Skittles
To celebrate a deal with the Seahawks' trip to the Super Bowl, Skittles will produce a limited edition bag called the "Seattle mix" full of just blue and green candies that will be auctioned off to a few fans. The proceeds will go to Lynch's charity, the Fam 1st Family Foundation.
Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Do You Support a Manned Flight to Mars? — Survey of the Day
Mars is in the news these days thanks to the Curiosity rover which recently landed on the red planet. The goal of the six-wheeled robot is to find signs of life on Mars, and NASA also hopes that its 23 month mission will increase public awareness of the space program. But will it rekindle interest in sending a manned mission to Mars?