AMC Abandons Plan to Charge Different Prices For Different Seats in TheaterAMC Abandons Plan to Charge Different Prices For Different Seats in TheaterInstead they are trying a new plan instead involving “enhanced” front row seating.Matt SingerMatt Singer
AMC To Charge Different Prices Based on Where You Sit in the TheaterAMC To Charge Different Prices Based on Where You Sit in the TheaterThey call it “Sightline at AMC.”Matt SingerMatt Singer
Alamo Drafthouse Theater Chain Files For BankruptcyAlamo Drafthouse Theater Chain Files For BankruptcyThe company will close some of its locations.Matt SingerMatt Singer
New York Movie Theaters Can Finally Reopen, Cuomo SaysNew York Movie Theaters Can Finally Reopen, Cuomo SaysThey have been closed for almost a year.Matt SingerMatt Singer
AMC Launches Private Theater Rental ProgramAMC Launches Private Theater Rental Program$100 gets you a private screening room.Matt SingerMatt Singer
AMC Theatres Could Run Out of Money By the End of 2020AMC Theatres Could Run Out of Money By the End of 2020The country’s biggest theater chain says it needs more funds.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Regal Will Close All Of Its Theaters Again Due to Lack of Movies, BusinessRegal Will Close All Of Its Theaters Again Due to Lack of Movies, BusinessWithout blockbusters to show, there’s not enough business.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Closed Movie Theaters Are Wreaking Havoc on Popcorn FarmersClosed Movie Theaters Are Wreaking Havoc on Popcorn FarmersAnyone need 80 million tubs of popcorn?Matt SingerMatt Singer
Judge Rules Against New Jersey Movie Theaters Demanding to ReopenJudge Rules Against New Jersey Movie Theaters Demanding to ReopenThe theaters claimed the forced closure violated their First Amendment rights.Matt SingerMatt Singer
AMC Theaters Reopening With 15 Cent TicketsAMC Theaters Reopening With 15 Cent TicketsIt’s 1920 prices in 2020.Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Rules That Governed Movie Theaters and Studios For 70 Years Were Just ChangedThe Rules That Governed Movie Theaters and Studios For 70 Years Were Just ChangedThe Paramount Consent Decree comes to an end.Matt SingerMatt Singer
This Next-Gen Movie Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateThis Next-Gen Movie Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateThis Next-Gen Theater Design Looks Just Like ‘Star Wars’ Galactic SenateMatt SingerMatt Singer