
What Were the Most Popular Baby Names of 2011?
What Were the Most Popular Baby Names of 2011?
What Were the Most Popular Baby Names of 2011?
The Social Security Administration has come out with its annual list of the most popular baby names, and for the 13th straight year Jacob was the number one name for a boy. This is part of a broader trend toward names from the Old Testament (or possibly ‘Twilight‘), with Noah snagging the fifth spot and Elijah and Joshua at 13 and 14.
Giancarlo Stanton and 10 Other Athletes Who Made Weird Name Changes
Giancarlo Stanton and 10 Other Athletes Who Made Weird Name Changes
Giancarlo Stanton and 10 Other Athletes Who Made Weird Name Changes
Budding Miami Marlins star Mike Stanton has made a name for himself in recent years, but now he’s changing that name to Giancarlo Stanton. It’s actually his real name and he only switched to “Mike” when his classmates in school struggled to get his name right. While Stanton’s switch might seem strange to some, other athletes before him have made way more bizarre name changes. Here’s a look back at