The debate is still very heated in the United States as to whether recreational marijuana use should be legalized. Some states like Colorado and Washington have already legalized the drug.
Over the weekend at this years "Hempfest," local police decided to give back and raise awareness in a not so traditional way.
The annual festival, known as the world's largest pot rally, is always celebrated in the heart of Seattle. As you may know, 2013 is the first year the state of Washington has legalized recreational marijuana for adults over the age of 21...
Sometimes when you’ve got a terrible case of the “munchies,” but not a lot of money in your pocket, you just can’t be stopped from doing something pretty rash. The body needs nourishment, after all, and you don’t want to walk around with a growling stomach all night. You’ve got to eat.
A gentleman from Niagara Falls, NY, was faced with just such a dilemma due to his snack cravings. He wanted some
Like most medical marijuana dispensaries, Granny Purps in Soquel, CA sometimes struggles with an image problem. While it genuinely believes it’s helping people, pot remains illegal at the federal level and the “stoner” culture often stigmatizes what is otherwise a legitimate operation.
However, Granny Purps is trying to redeem itself in the eyes of the public. For the second year in a row, it’s fe
People who smoke pot once a week are about 25 percent less likely to be obese than non-smokers.
According to a study by French researchers, marijuana smokers have a 16 percent rate of obeseity, whereas those who don’t partake enjoy a rate of obesity between 22 and 25 percent.