
Extra Vacation?
Extra Vacation?
Extra Vacation?
Everyone is entitled to certain breaks during their workday.  Lunch and two 15-minute breaks are actually mandatory by law for an eight hour shift.  So, should non-smokers get extra vacation days?
Hilarious Cats
Hilarious Cats
Hilarious Cats
As Lori had mentioned in an earlier story, today is 'Love your pet day.' In her Top 5 list of ways to celebrate, I was surprised she didn't put 'bring your pet to the office.'
10 Signs You Are Working Too Much
10 Signs You Are Working Too Much
10 Signs You Are Working Too Much
The working class is being stretched thinner than a pair of Capri pants on the guy who plays Mike on ‘Mike & Molly.’ If hiring doesn’t start soon, employees are going to suffer a full-on breakdown that could grind the workforce to a halt.

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