There Are 179 Reasons Why Murder Hornets Would Be Bad For Texas
I'll admit I laughed when I first heard the phrase "Murder Hornet." Laughing was all I could do as 2020 continues being the year of cataclysmic headlines.
After doing a little digging into the Murder Hornet, I found out it really isn't a laughing matter. These nasty hornets can really wreak havoc if left unchecked.
That's because they can decimate honey bee populations. It's actually a pretty brutal process. They decapitate their victims and then chew on their insides. Check out this video of scientists explaining how Murder Hornets can have a significant impact on pollination.
I wonder when we'll start seeing new death-metal bands named Murder Hornet.
Recently, we've been inundated with calls to protect the honeybee in the U.S. We need them to spread pollen to help us get our food. Plus, the honeybee "farms" in Texas provide us with local honey.
I wondered how many honey bee "farms" exist in Texas, and it's a pretty big number. A quick glance at the Texas Beekeepers Association website shows 179, with 56 different local associations existing just in our state.
For those who have a business built around their bees, the introduction of the Murder Hornet in our state could be disastrous. As the old saying goes; if it's not one thing, it's another.
The good news is that right now, as far as we know, it's limited to the far northwestern part of the U.S. Experts believe we've got time to eradicate the Murder Hornets before they spread.
Humans do have a little to be worried about with these hornets. Their stings are potent and can be potentially fatal.
I don't think it's time for us panic over the Murder Hornets. I can't tell you how many times I heard killer bees were supposed to take over the U.S. and end us all when I was growing up.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware, and it also doesn't mean that we can't hope these things don't spread for the sake of those who depend on the honeybee.