You Can Help the Amarillo Homeless By Eating Beans and Cornbread
The Interfaith Campaign for the Homeless is an organization that helps over 17 different agencies in Amarillo who work with the homeless. The annual Beans and Cornbread Luncheon is their biggest fundraiser and it is happening on Monday, October 29th.
The Beans and Cornbread luncheon has become a popular event in Amarillo. Their goal this year is to raise $150,000. As the campaign moves forward and the $150,000 is reached then the Katherine E. Brady fund will match the $150,000
The event this year will be held on Monday, October 29th at the Amarillo Civic Center Heritage Room from 11:30-1pm.
Come enjoy a great meal of beans and cornbread catered by Desperado's and hear stories of success throughout the event.
Individual tickets are $40
Tables of 8 are currently available for purchase for $250 and other sponsorship are available.
Tickets and tables may be purchased by calling Katie at 806-282-1014
For more information on the Beans and Cornbread Luncheon you can visit the Beans and Cornbread Facebook Page.