You Feel A Joyous Exhaustion After A Successful CMN Mediathon
This year's Children's Miracle Network Celebration and Media-thon was in every way a success. 13 exhausting hours of non-stop broadcasting, asking you for help culminated in a joyous evening as we announced the grand total for the day.
After a long, hectic, and emotional day, you helped us write a check to CMN for $168,000! All of that money will stay here in Amarillo to help families faced with a sudden and tragic crisis. Thank you, from the bottom of all of our hearts, for helping us.
Walking back into the studio this morning I was exhausted. I am emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. As absolutely worn out as I am, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I've never been more proud of being a part of something, and I have you to thank for it.
A lot was accomplished yesterday, and again we thank you. If you didn't have the opportunity to give to CMN and would like to, visit their website at CMNAmarillo.Org. Along with the opportunity to give, there is information and stories of miracles for you to read through.