AC’s Chalk It Up 2020 Postponed, Date Still To Be Determined
There have been concerts, conventions, gatherings, expos, and events of all kinds canceled or postponed already this summer. Amarillo College's Chalk It Up 2020 joins the growing list.

At this point, I'm no longer shocked when these announcements get made. It's sad, but I'm almost cynically numb to it now. With social distancing guidelines, and restrictions on the sizes of gatherings, I'd wager we have more postponements in our future.
Amarillo College put out this message regarding 2020's Chalk It Up contest:
"Fall 2020" is all that we've got so far. There's no indication on when the event will take place.
On Amarillo College's website, it says "Postponed until fall 2020" followed by "Date TBD." Even something as innocent as an outdoor contest with people chalking up a piece of sidewalk isn't safe from being canceled.
The website states that there are two main reasons why the decision has been made to postpone the event. First, low artist registration. The second is because of concerns regarding health and safety.
Here's to hoping that we will get to see the Chalk It Up event take place sooner rather than later. I'm rooting for everyone at this point. If you're a cover band, a sidewalk chalk artist, a cosplayer, or just someone who wants to have a big event to look forward to; I hope you get to enjoy those things in person soon.
Until then, we all have to be patient and work together. Wear a mask when you're asked to. Keep practicing social distancing. Be kind to one another.
Then, hopefully soon, we get these things back. I know we all could use a good night out.
READ MORE: 6 ways the whole family can play together at home
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