Amarillo Lesson – Please Don’t Play Amateur Detective
I want to see if I know them. I want to see if we have any mutual friends. I want a sneak peek into their lives before they did whatever they did to become a trainwreck. I know, innocent until proven guilty and all but this is where it all starts.
Recently there was a story in Amarillo about a shooting in the Sleepy Hollow area. There were vehicles that were shot out. Some of those shootings ended up injuring people from the broken glass and such. Of course, Amarillo residents were concerned.
Amarillo police were quick to do a full search of the area. They were all over trying to find out what happened and who was responsible. It really didn't take very long for an arrest to be made.
The suspect was Jared Pearson. So, as I found out a lot of us went to Facebook to do a search on the name. Now what it pulled up surprised me. The Jared I found was married with a young child. Now, I know that does not automatically mean this can't be the guy.
That is exactly, though, the first thought I had. There is no way this is the guy. After the news came out the gentleman I found on Facebook, I am sure had a lot of people asking around. Is that really the guy involved in the Sleepy Hollow shootings? There is no way.
I am not going to link to his page because as you may have guessed the person on Facebook is not the Jared Pearson who was arrested. So, no I am not going to blast him for having the same name.
This is the Jared Pearson who was arrested:
So if one thing was learned it was that you can not play amateur detective. It does not always work.
When the mugshot was released on Mugshots of Randall County the Jared Pearson who was NOT arrested jumped on the post to have a little fun. He stated that "They got me guys" with a crying face. That one response got almost one hundred laughs because everyone knew then he was not the suspect. I mean he wasn't in jail and all.
The fun that others who did a search on the name took over. It was quite amusing some of the responses:
When I saw the name I was so surprised and then I saw the picture and was like “wow, he’s changed a lot since high school!” - Stevi
Apparently a lot of us did that same Facebook search:
I just told my husband “this definitely isn’t the guy that I seen on Facebook.” this guy had me tryna find your birthday on Facebook cause I didn’t believe you looked like someone who’d do that, after creeping on your Facebook. Congrats on the baby btw - Paige
It wasn't just us girls who were playing amateur detective, I promise you:
won’t even lie…I read the article yesterday and looked up the name and came across your profile. I was like naaaaaaw this can’t be the guy right? Lol -Rich
So when a story like this hits just try to wait for the mugshot to officially come out. I know Jared Pearson would appreciate it.
The Bad Pets of Randall County
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM
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