Amarillo is all about saving money. If you look at anything these days the price has gone up everywhere. You go to the store and the prices have gone up. You head out to a restaurant to eat, yep it's more expensive. Everywhere you look everything is more expensive.
When you take on the role of a delivery driver here in Amarillo it can be an experience. You find out really fast your way around Amarillo. You discover your favorite places to make deliveries. You find new neighborhoods. You learn new shortcuts. You also learn places that you want to avoid.
If you look towards downtown Amarillo you can gaze at the tall skyscraper buildings in our skyline. You might not think that Amarillo doesn't have much to show but we really do. Sure, we are not a Dallas-like city. We never really wanted to be.
Back in March Crazy Larry's on Teckla had a fire. That fire that happened in the kitchen has kept them closed ever since. The community has really missed them and is ready to get some of their great barbecue. Our city is having some withdrawals.
When you drive in downtown Amarillo the one building you can't help but notice in our skyline is what was once called the Chase Towers. It is now the FirstBank Southwest Towers but it is the tallest building in our city.
The area of 58th and Georgia has really grown a lot in the past few years. There have been a lot of places that have opened for the convenience of all the homes and apartments out that way.