Dee Snider: ‘I Can’t Be Friends’ With Donald Trump Anymore
Prior to Donald Trump being elected President of the United States, Twisted Sister legend Dee Snider was entangled with the real estate mogul turned politician. Trump had used "We're Not Gonna Take It" during his campaign, with Snider's permission, though the singer later distanced himself (and eventually the song) from Trump's political canvas. In a recent interview, Snider indicated that the President's controversial viewpoints have now strained their relationship to the point where he no longer considers them to be friends.
In a television appearance on Bolivia's ATB (video below), the bleach-blonde icon spoke about his history with Trump, stating, "I was on Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice [reality television show] for three years. I came to know him and his family socially." In the past, Snider had referred to Trump as a friend and now he revealed, "But it wasn't until he ran for President that I discovered his belief system inside and I disagree with what he believes — I absolutely disagree with what he believes. So it's very difficult because we were friends before, but now that he speaks his true mind, I can't be friends."
Since becoming President, Trump has made it a priority to attempt to restrict the nation's borders regarding refugee entry and immigration with more chatter about his proposed wall which would rest along the United States' border with Mexico. It isn't a stance that aligns with Snider's personal views, to which he added, "The United States is a country of immigrants — everybody there, except Native Americans, everybody is an immigrant. My family is [a family of] immigrants. We've always welcomed immigrants and we should continue to welcome immigrants. So, a wall? Crazy. To say no to immigration? Crazy. This has made our country strong. All these people from all over the world have made the United States one of the strongest countries in the world. We can't stop bringing people in now."
During the summer of 2015, Snider endorsed Trump's use of Twister Sister's anthem "We're Not Gonna Take It." The singer defended the usage on the grounds that the song's rebellious message was in line with the Trump's ambitions to shake up the political system. During the campaign, however, Snider never backed Trump for President and openly stated he would not vote for his friend.
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