Everyone Gets Potatoes – Free Potato Giveaway in Amarillo
Everyone is always complaining about the price of groceries in Amarillo. Heck, groceries are high everywhere. So when you can get good quality produce for free you need to take advantage of it.
Potatoes are pretty much a staple at everyone's home. I am going to kind of feel like Forest Gump here telling you all the things you can do with potatoes. There are mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, and baked potatoes. You can make hash browns and scalloped potatoes. Oh, don't forget potato salad. There is potato soup and don't forget the twice-baked potato or French Fries. You can also make potato chips. That is just off the top of my head.
There are so many things you can do with a potato so everyone needs them. Luckily, you can go get potatoes for your family for free today and Monday (May 17th & 20th.)
This is happening from 9 am - 12 pm both days out at the Interfaith Hunger Project - 1900 N Spring. Everyone and anyone is welcome due to a very generous and anonymous donation:
Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle’s Interfaith Hunger Project (IFHP) received a HUGE donation of potatoes Thursday (5/16) from an anonymous donor. And by HUGE, we’re talking the 50,000lb range. Because there’s no way we can distribute that many potatoes to our clients before they go bad, we are inviting anyone in the public to come and take as many as they can use FREE of charge.
There are just too many potatoes and of course, they don't want one to go to waste. According to the press release:
The IFHP has already donated more than 12,000lbs to other local nonprofits and still has more than 35,000lbs remaining. So, come and get it. There’s plenty for everyone who wants it.
The only thing they ask is that you bring your own bag to haul your potatoes away. Then go home and figure out how you want to cook them. Of course, like I said there are several ways and you won't be disappointed in any of them.
I feel like Oprah today, "You get potatoes, you get potatoes, everybody gets potatoes." Just go and get them.
DIY Potato Face Mask for Gorgeous Glowing Skin
Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
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