Schools already struggle with getting funding for the things they need, so when they do get it, they spend the money wisely and make sure what they purchase is going to last them a long time to come.

Sadly for one Amarillo High School, they're probably going to have to repurchase some major equipment.

On June 3rd, a burglary happened at Rebel Field, home to Tascosa High School. So what could these thieves have possibly taken? Did they go out and pull up some of the turf?

They decided they'd head into the press box there and start stealing the all the equipment in there. So what did they get away with?

Let's just say it was thousands of dollars worth of equipment that they swiped. There's no word on exactly what was taken, but the press box is bound to have things such as microphones, processors, sounds boards, and so much more.

None of that stuff is cheap, I know from experience. I don't even buy the professional grade, high end stuff like I'm sure was up there.

The point of it all being now, a school that I'm sure had to fundraise or get donations from boosters in order to purchase that equipment is now without it, and facing the prospect of doing it all over again.

Police are on the hunt for who may have decided that equipment was theirs, and are asking for your help. If you have any info regarding the burglary, or know who may be involved, they're asking you to reach out to Amarillo Crime Stoppers.

So what's in it for you? Well, helping out one of our local high schools is one thing, but how about a reward of up to $1,000 depending on the info you bring to them?

If you know something, please give them a call at 806-374-4400, or reach out on their website by clicking here. You can also submit a tip via their P3 Tips App.

The 17 East Texans Who are Currently Sitting on Death Row

Although dates for execution have not yet been set, some of those East Texans on this list have been there for a long time--surprisingly long, actually.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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