There is still a little time left to get your tickets for the Texas Panhandle Baconfest! Get your tickets here, and plan to join us for an evening of bacon inspired fun.

In order to properly prepare for this year's first annual Texas Panhandle Baconfest, D.B. Nyce from KISSFM challenged yours truly to a cooking contest. We were supplied with materials to make a grilled cheese sandwich that incorporated bacon. A big thank you goes out to Affiliated Foods for supplying the kitchen!

Lonestar 98.7 took home the trophy.

We were given moments to come up with an idea, and then begin cooking. In a sudden burst of creative inspiration, I decided to make a bacon-wrapped grilled cheese. It was a gamble. I'm firm believer, however, in the old saying "no risk, no reward."

My competition opted for a classic grilled cheese stuffed with bacon. It was a safe choice that couldn't possibly go wrong.

As I worked on the bacon wrap for my pieces of bread, disaster struck. The bacon wouldn't hold the shape I needed, and with just a few minutes left I was forced to start over.

As time ran out, and our volunteer judges from Affiliated Foods began to enter the room, I managed to get the bacon to cook just right so I could wrap the sandwich and then melt the cheese.

When the judges announced their decision, I was genuinely shocked.

My fellow cook claims that the only reason I won was because, and I quote, "you're eye-candy!" His words, not mine.

Either way, Lonestar 98.7 now holds the trophy for the first Texas Baconfest Grilled Cheese Challenge. I will defend this honor for us all with all I have.


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