After-Hours Club Gets Busted For Being Open In Amarillo
I guess every city will surprise you at times, and right now, I'm surprised by something that was in Amarillo.
There was once a time where there were numerous clubs for people to go to in the city, but as you can see, they've all but evaporated from the 806.

Really, the club scene in general has died down across the country. Vegas is still your go-to spot if you're a clubber and want to enjoy that scene. Outside of there, they are few and far between.
Because of that, you'd think that the also once-famous "after-hours" club would be long gone as well. In fact, you'd expect there to be zero types of clubs like that anymore.
Surprise! We had one sitting right here in Amarillo, and didn't even realize it. Ok, well some of you knew about it, and many complained about it.
So much so that Amarillo Police finally put an end to the club. The club was located at 2206 Amarillo Bvld. East and had a sign above the door with the store name "Bomb Ci-Tees & Boutique".
Now, it's not clear if it was once that and it shut down, or if that sign was simply a ruse to throw people off its scent. No matter at this point, as the club has been shut down.
After receiving numerous complaints about drug sales, underage drinking, and weapons possession, APD decided to take a trip over there to see what exactly what was going on.
When they arrived, they found about 25 people inside having a good time. Well, that was until they broke up the party. While police were on the scene, approximately 100 more people attempted to get into the club. They were turned away.
According to the Fire Marshal's Office, there was no Certificate of Occupancy for that particular address, which means it shouldn't have even been open in the first place.
The owner was cited and the building will remain closed while they sort through everything.
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