PETA Accuses WTAMU Meat Lab of Inhumane Slaughter
One thing we know about PETA is that they're very passionate about the work they do.
Sometimes people see it as a bit misguided, or aggressive, but sometimes their work uncovers things we didn't know about that were truly inhumane.
I recently received an email from PETA in regards to an incident they say happened on the campus of West Texas A&M in Canyon.
The letter stated they had recently received a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture stating that a steer had been shot seven times in the head at the campus meat laboratory.
The email had some disturbing details in it, such as the steer remaining standing and crying loudly as the shots were fired. The steer was conscious through the first six shots to the head with the seventh finally rendering the steer unconscious.
Another part of the report said workers and students took turns loading their stun guns and taking shots.
Now I don't know if any of this has been confirmed, but PETA wrote a letter to the Randall County District Attorney Robert Love detailing what they had found in their report and urging him to file charges of animal cruelty on the university department.
We reached out to a colleague of Love, who informed us it had been referred to the proper law authority and that was all they were able to say at that time.
I'm not going to be one to pass judgment here, especially with a lack of confirmed facts. I can however say though that if this is something that's happening on the campus of WT, it should be looked into.
We'll keep you updated as we find out more.
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