NY Politician Admits to Former Porn Career
Being a politician has to suck. Sure, there are some perks to working for the government, but when you’re in the public eye your entire life is completely exposed, and all your actions are up for scrutiny. Think about it-- political guys can’t even get a boner without it making news. No one has a squeaky clean past, and dirt is bound to be uncovered if you’re a dude running for office.
That’s exactly what happened to New York state District Attorney Mark Suben. Shortly before this year’s election allegations started to be thrown around that he was an adult film star back in the 70’s. Suben of course denied the allegations, but unfortunately his creepy porn-stache was a dead giveaway to past musings. Well, that and the DA finally fessed up at a recent press conference.
Suben admitted to doing the whole x-rated wam bam thing about 40 years ago, so basically, he's a porn star AND a politician! Suben also noted his various other acting stints, like "off-Broadway, soap operas and commercial advertisements." So while his talents are far-reaching, the most impressive thing about this government dude is his porn name from way back when: Gus Thomas. We can already sense all the panty-dropping that must have been goin' on.
Suben didn't take any questions post-conference, but we did find out he was in an adult film called "The Love Witch." We knew he sounded familiar!