If you were born in the 80's or 90's then you might remember one of the best canned foods to ever grace your grocery store shelves from the most famous Chef!
Cottonelle has a new ad campaign for 2023 entitled "Tales From Down There" and it could be the most disturbing commercial about any product ever in the history of advertising.
YouTube can suck you in and never let you out. I was on a YouTube watch yesterday and I got taken down a rabbit hole of amazement. I found old Amarillo commercials from the 90s and they were, well, local commercials from the 90s. Let's face they were awesome
Switching from tobacco to a smokeless cigarette can be a lot like losing your virginity. Or so suggests a new commercial for Njoy Electronic Cigarettes, which uses Foreigner's classic, 'Feels Like the First Time.'
The Green Bay Packers are the champions of Super Bowl XLV. Now the three-million-dollars-for-30-seconds-of-airtime question is ... which Super Bowl ad ruled 2011? Here’s our stab at this years 10 best Super Bowl commercials.