President Obama's final State of the Union address took place Tuesday night, so the White House decided it would be the right time to look back on his addresses while in office.
It’s hard enough for film critics without Barry O. snatching up our freelance gigs, but President Obama and the First Lady weighed in with their choices for 2015’s best film.
Federal authorities have arrested Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, for allegedly sending letters containing the deadly poison ricin to President Obama and Senator Roger Wicker (R.-Miss.) earlier this week.
In a recent Yahoo News and Esquire poll of 1,002 adults, Barack Obama was pitted against Ronald Reagan and Mitt Romney got a hypothetical matchup with Bill Clinton. In both cases, the ex-president defeated the current presidential candidate by a healthy margin.
Which begs the question of who would win a fantasy presidential matchup of Clinton vs. Reagan? Yahoo and Esquire surveyed that, too.