The Texas Highway Interchange – Size Does Matter
One of the biggest brags about Texas is the fact that everything is bigger and better in Texas. I mean it's true. It even gives us more and more chances to make sure that if something is not bigger here we work on it until it is.
If you travel to a bigger Texas city the first thing that might intimidate you is the traffic. How could there possibly be this many people in one city? Oh, but there are. They all seem to be on the road at one time.
They are speeding around you in all directions. It is a bit intimidating but not as much as when you hit a section of the highway that brings you high into the sky. What is going on? Oh, the highway interchanges. Moving seamlessly from one highway to another.
It can be very gut-wrenching. You white knuckle that steering wheel and start screaming at your GPS. You have no idea where you are going. Apparently the GPS has no idea how to direct you where to go at least not in a way that makes sense.
There are way too many twists and turns. Ahhh. You want to know why these highway tracks known as the interchanges so tall. Is it a Texas thing? Is it just another way to make sure all the other states know of our dominance?
Why Are Texas Interchanges So Tall?
There is a method to their madness. There really is. If you are looking for a real answer we have it for you. The answer is that Texas, unlike most states, has feeder roads. As a result of those feeder roads, the flyovers have to go higher because there are more roads that are crossing. With each road that you add, you have to add another level of height at an intersection so they cross over uninterrupted. This leads to very high interchanges.
So next time that you end up on one of these interchanges, hopefully, you take a second to realize that there is a method to their madness. It may look like just endless twists and turns but these roads are helping you get somewhere.
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