Several friends of mine and I have been working out at Nick's Fight Club in Amarillo for about three weeks solid, and we're addicted. They have something for everyone, and it is the most fun I've ever had in a gym.

I personally hate gyms. I've never been comfortable in one. The team at Nick's Fight Club makes you feel welcome the moment you walk through the door, and they take the time to make you feel like you're among friends.

Nick's offers classes which start early in the morning and roll all day, starting on the hour every hour. The classes are intense, but you can work at your pace. There is no competing against the person next to you.

You'll find that when you're going through the classes, everyone just bonds in a weird way for the hour. More than once, I have had a complete stranger standing next to me just randomly offer up some motivation. There's a lot of sweat, and a lot of smiles.

There is no age or gender demographic that seems to outweigh another. People from all walks of life gather on the hour every hour to push themselves. Everyone has an individual fight that brought them to Nick's, but we fight them all together.

The classes are intense. You start with stretching and then jump right in. Cardio, heavy bags, working on your combos, and finally the "dreaded" core workout make up your hour. You'll split up with a group, and together you will all fight through.

I can't say enough good about the trainers. They motivate you and push you the entire way. Not once have I felt belittled or overwhelmed. If I don't understand something, they'll walk me through it. If I'm having a hard time getting that 257th crunch in, they offer encouragement and motivation. When all is said and done, they'll give you a fist bump and make sure you know just how good a job you did for the day.

Personally, my battles are cigarettes, depression, anxiety, insomnia, barely eating, and constant stress. While Nick's doesn't make those things disappear, they do help. I've started sleeping better, eating better (I moved to Amarillo weighing 119 lbs!), my depression isn't nearly as overwhelming which helps with my stress and anxiety, and I am well on my way to accomplishing my personal fitness goals.

For more info on Nick's Fight Club check out their website You can also find them on Facebook. Be sure to ask about their signup specials!

If you get signed up and need a workout buddy, I'm usually there around 11 am on days that I don't have training. Come "Challenge Yourself" with me at Nick's!

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