Tips for a Great Thanksgiving
It's hard to believe, but we are in the month of November already and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner.
My favorite part of this annual celebration of giving thanks is getting to stuff yourself with turkey and enjoy the company of loved ones. Listed below are things I came up with to help you out with your holiday festivities.
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Go the Pre-made Route
Go to the store and pick up a Turkey or Ham and fixings that are already prepped. I recommend United Supermarkets, they seem to have the best selection and deals when you are looking for a bang for your buck.
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Make it a Family Night
Family time is always great during the holidays so break out that board game that has been locked up in your closet and play against your loved ones to see who can win. The games I always like to play with my family are Uno, Poker, LCR and Yahoo. Sometimes I win and other times they win in a round but it's all in the fun of it.
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Try Something Different