What Happened to the Aging Texas Italian Caterpillar?
The best part about a road trip in Texas, or really anywhere, is discovering those weird roadside attractions. You see things that you can't really explain why they are there. Oh, but you are so glad that they are around.
They break up the monotony of hours and hours inside the car. Then as you discover them you start to pay attention on any trip just so you can see it again. It makes the time go by a lot faster. Or at least it seems to help.
I know that in Amarillo we, of course, have the Cadillac Ranch. We also have some sort of dinosaur refuge on the Dumas Highway. On the way to Dallas, there are a lot of things to notice. I always, though, not a roadside attraction I just love the It'll Do Motel in Clarendon. There is also a roadside Rubik's Cube I always look for in Chillicothe.
Of course, the state of Texas is huge. So I have not had the chance to discover all of the roadside attractions. That is where the internet comes in handy. In Italy, Texas, there is a caterpillar. This caterpillar has been a roadside attraction for many, many years.
He even has a name. Bruco. Now Bruco has had a long life on the side of I35. He has been there for over forty years.
Many people noticed him on the side of the road. How could you not?
Bruco was part of Monolithic Construction, a place that you could even stop and tour. I am not sure if that is a possibility anymore because apparently, time has not been kind to Bruco the Caterpillar.
A recent Reddit post expressed their concerns about the roadside attraction.
The years have beaten poor Bruco down. Gone is his smiling face. Gone are his caterpillar features. Bruco looks like a lot of us feel after a long drive in the car. Just done.
Will Bruco, the Texas Italian Caterpillar, ever become that roadside attraction again that many looked forward to seeing? Does anyone even care anymore? It seems another part of a lot of Texan's childhood is just gone. Sad times.