The summer months are here. The weather is hot. I mean really hot. We have to get out and mow our lawns. We do a lot more outside. Of course, we need to make sure we wear our sunscreen otherwise, well, a sunburn is not a lot of fun. At all.

When it comes to the summer months and making sure our lawns are taken care of I do beg of one thing. If you are ordering DoorDash please, please, take a look out into your front lawn.

We are used to having to wade through some tall grass. I don't mind twisting and turning and trying to find the sidewalk amongst all the grass and weeds. I get it. Sometimes that lawn gets away from you. It doesn't take long. We get rain and before you know it the lawn is unruly. We can deal with that.

What we would really love for you to do is keep an eye out for the sprinkler system. We get it. You need to water your lawn. If you order and are expecting a delivery can you just take a glance outside?

I don't know if you realize this or not but sometimes Amarillo has what we call a wind problem. Ok, more times than not it does. Sometimes that strong wind wreaks havoc on the water coming out of those sprinklers.

I had a delivery earlier this week where this was an issue. The sprinklers were going. Oh, and boy were they going. The whole front lawn was saturated. The problem was the wind was pretty crazy too. So the driveway where I needed to walk up to get to the front porch was being sprayed heavily too. There was no way to walk up and not get drenched.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

So I had to find a way to weave and bob up the person's side lawn. I try to stay out of their grass and just use the walkway. It's a respect thing. Oh, but I also wanted to get back into my car as dry as possible.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

The customer came out to grab her food and thank me for bringing her dinner. She had to have noticed how crazy her sprinklers were going. She had to have noticed how I was scampering away as fast as I could through her lawn. She had to have known.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

So if your sprinklers are being affected by the wind please just shut them off until we drop off your food. The Dashers of Amarillo thank you.

Amarillo's Georgia Street and All It's Changes

The streets of Amarillo have changed a lot. Georgia Street used to be the place to buy a car. Now it has everything.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

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Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

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