Events Planned To Help You Fill Out The Census In Amarillo
Time is running out to complete the 2020 Census. The census is important for several reasons. One of the main reasons it is so important is that it helps communities receive funds from the state and federal government.

It also impacts disaster relief, 911 emergency systems, and whether or not some businesses choose to move to town.
There are several events coming up that are designed to help you get the Census filled out in time. The city of Amarillo recently posted about them on social media.
Tomorrow, the Census Bureau will be having Mobile Questionnaire Assistance events at:
- Martin Luther King Park 10 AM - 1 PM
- Borger Car Show 10 AM - 3 PM
A week from tomorrow on Sep. 19 they will be at United Supermarkets at 3400 River Road from 10 AM - 7 PM.
Everyone is required by law to participate in the Census. Answers given during the Census are kept confidential, and are only used to produce "statistics."
If you don't want to go to one of the events, you can fill out the Census online. You can fill it out at 2020census.gov. You can also call 844-330-2020.
If you didn't misplace the paper form that should have been delivered in the mail to you, you can also fill that out and mail it back.
It doesn't take a lot of time, and the information gathered in the Census is important. For more information you can check out the 2020 Census website by following this link.
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