Good News; We’re Still Getting The Tri-State Fair Rodeo This Year
2020 will go down as the year everything was canceled or postponed. Several of us had some big plans for the summer that have had to be put off. That is, unless your plans included the PRCA rodeo at this year's Tri-State Fair.
The announcement was made today that the rodeo is still on. Be looking for it in September. It will be at the end of the month from September 24 - 26.

When the announcement was made that there would be no Tri-State Fair this year, it did come with a catch. Organizers were going to try and find a way to have as many of the events as possible, even if that meant no fried food or carnival.
According to their announcement, they have worked out a way to have the rodeo this year. Of course, there will be reserved seating with social distancing.
Tickets go on sale August 18.
It's encouraging to see news like this. Even with everything going on, at least we're finding a way to still have some events.
For more information, be sure to check out Tristatefair.com.
Sure, it's not any of the concerts we were looking forward to. A Bob Dylan concert is still on my bucket list. But it is something, even if you're not a fan of rodeos.
Fingers crossed as we get closer to school starting, and the fall months, we find more creative ways to have bigger events. We already have several creative solutions, like drive-in concerts for live music, hopefully we can come up with more.
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