Got Old & Young Kids? Here’s Amarillo Activities Everyone Enjoys.
One of the hardest things to do is keep your kids happy and entertained, right? Especially when you have kids that are significantly apart in age.
That's the problem we've started running into. We have two boys, ages 12 and 9. There are a lot of things we can do with them that keep their attention and they enjoy. Then we have a 16-month-old daughter who we love to death, but wow does she make it tough to do things the whole family will enjoy.

I'm now on a quest to find things that we can do as a family that we can ALL participate in here in Amarillo. I've got a few ideas, but not as many as I'd like. Here are a few that I do have that are good for a family like ours.
I mean, who doesn't love the zoo? You get to see animals that you don't see up close and personal on a daily basis. The boys are intrigued by how majestic these creatures are, watching them move around, etc. Our youngest doesn't know what she's looking at, but it's a new experience for her and she gets to see something for the first time.
There are different activities and things to do around the zoo as well, so it's not just limited to looking at animals, and they do a good job of making those activities accessible and entertaining for all ages.
What is one thing kids of all ages have in common? They like to touch things and push buttons. Well, the Discovery Center is THE place where they can all do that, and not get in trouble for doing it. The older kids will enjoy learning about how things work and mess around with the interactive things they have there.
The youngest will love the different lights and sounds the Discovery Center has to offer, therefore keeping her interest as well. I mean, even the adults will most likely learn something they didn't know about here.
Now on the surface, it may not seem like this is something the entire family will enjoy. However, when you really think about it, it is. Not only are the gardens beautiful to look at, but the older kids are going to learn about how things grow, what it takes, and the benefits of having different plants and flowers in the world.
The youngest ones are going to love all the colors in the garden. There's nothing young children love more than bright colors, and the Amarillo Botanical Gardens are full of them. Parents will enjoy it because it gives them goals on what they want their garden to look like, even if it seems unattainable.
Now I turn it over to you. What am I missing here? What are some other things families with kids of very different ages do that will keep everyone entertained?
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