How About an Amarillo Scare for This Friday the 13th?
You might think we have just time-warped back a bit. It may seem we have rewound back before the New Year, Christmas and Thanksgiving. You would be right, sort of.
Just in case you haven't noticed January has a Friday the 13th. Some people are superstitious when it comes to that day. Some businesses take advantage of it and offer some specials. I usually see tattoo places offering Friday the 13th deals.
What I found to be really cool is that there is another business coming out of the woodwork for one day. Oh, and it's something that is perfect for Friday the 13th. When you think of Friday the 13th you probably think about Jason. You probably think about scary movies, summer camp, and murder.
That brings you back to missing the haunted houses that you love around Halloween time. Well, guess what? You are in luck. The Haunt at Sundown is making sure you don't miss them too much. They are bringing back their haunt for one night, the perfect night. They will be opening their haunt on Friday the 13th. How perfect is that?
If you haven't heard about The Haunt at Sundown you will want to. They are Amarillo's newest haunted house. You may have guessed it, they are located on Sundown. Their address is 1201 W Sundown Lane and they are going to be open next Friday.
If you have ever gone to a haunted house in Amarillo you know what a production they are. It's a lot of work. For them to open for one night only a lot has had to come into play. They need to make sure they are ready since their last haunt in October. They also have to make sure they have enough people available to make it a haunting experience. So like I said a lot of work for one night.
So while you are thinking of the perfect thing to do on Friday the 13th just remember you can check out Haunt at Sundown. The way the day should be observed.
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