Low-Income Food Program Requirements Changing. Does This Help You?
Since the pandemic hit, a lot of people have had to seek assistance for things such as putting food on the table.
Unfortunately there were many who needed the help, but didn't qualify due to the income they were bringing in.
Some households had one person who lost their job, yet the other kept theirs. Problem is they relied on both incomes, and with one working now it got tight. Then they would try and apply for assistance but couldn't get it due to the person in the house that still had their job making too much.
Well this may not be good news for EVERYONE, but it is good news for some at least.
The USDA has updated their guidelines regarding income eligibility for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. The monthly income for a household the size of one has increased, from $1396 to $1473 per month.
While it may not seem to be a lot, it could make the difference for quite a few low-income seniors out there.
Zack Wilson, executive director of High Plains Food Bank stated, “As we continue to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, more and more seniors are being affected by choosing between food and other needs. The CSFP program provides a crucial stop gap in hunger for our seniors in the Texas Panhandle.”
CSFP is one of the most common senior adult food programs, and is also one of the largest. Every month, seniors receive a 25-30 pound box containing things such as cheese, canned fruits, vegetables, cereal, rice, pasta and more.
To get more info on whether or not you, or someone you know, qualifies with these new income requirements, you can reach out to High Plains Food Bank by clicking the link or calling them at 806-374-8562.