Oklahoma Is A Good Reminder Why We Should Take Covid-19 Seriously
The following is the opinion of the writer.
I don't know why the dividing line in politics is wearing a simple piece of cloth over your face. Of all the things people could legitimately be angry over, this is the hill you want to fight over?
If you need some help looking at why it isn't a bad idea to wear a mask and practice social distancing, just look to the east. Oklahoma's defiant governor just tested positive for Covid-19.
After the news came out, social media in Oklahoma took off. Largely because of a photo taken over the weekend supposedly showing their governor at a Walmart, not wearing a mask, interacting with people.
Now that he has tested positive. Here is our great Gov. leading by example. I took this pic of him maskless in Walmart just this past weekend. from r/okc
Then, a new restaurant in Tulsa is going to be shutting their doors while they get their employees tested and sanitize the building. Why? Well, the governor went there to eat and pose with everyone for photos.
You can hate masks all you want. I hate them. I hate the way my breath smells in them. But I'll wear one if there's even the smallest chance it can help.
I have friends in Oklahoma I keep in touch with on a regular basis. Covid-19 has now started affecting my social circles as some of those friends have tested positive.
The things we're being asked to do aren't difficult in any way. Wearing a mask and "leaving enough room for the holy ghost" between you and someone else isn't hard.
Social distance and a face covering. That's all anyone is asking you to do in public. It isn't much.