If you lived here in Amarillo for any amount of time you feel like you have seen it all. You know a lot about the area. You inevitably know that people come to the area to see certain things. We have a lot to offer.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

They will want to head to the Cadillac Ranch, with their spray paint in hand. They want to experience Route 66 as we do. Shopping and good food. They want to see that steak. You know which one. Who doesn't want to see that 72 oz steak at The Big Texan?

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

That is when you really realize how big that steak really is. 72 ounces is just a number until you see it in person.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Amarillo is known for having Palo Duro Canyon so close. We can brag about The Musical Drama Texas. Which is a great way and place to see such a story being told.

credit: TEXAS Outdoor Musical
credit: TEXAS Outdoor Musical

With the addition of Hodgetown in Downtown Amarillo, we can't forget what all we have to see in Center City. We have plenty of restaurants on Polk and even Buchanan. There are all of the beautiful murals that are all over downtown. There has been a lot done to help make our Downtown beautiful.

credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival
credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival

I mean remember they did put lights up on Polk Street.

Google Maps
Google Maps

I bet you have never seen Downtown Amarillo like this. All lit up in the quietness that is before everyone starts heading to work. Eleven seconds of pure Amarillo showing off our downtown in hyperlapse.

Top 25 Things To Do In Amarillo

Here are the best things to do in Amarillo.

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