One of the things a lot of people seem to love is pickles in Amarillo. I know not everybody but I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. Besides if you don't like pickles you can always find a friend with you that you can hand them of to, they will gladly accept them.

Pickles have become more than just a topping on your burger. They have become the main ingredient in some foods. Have you tried a pickle pizza? Fabulous for sure. Then of course there is pickle beer. Yes, please.

There are a lot of pickle-flavored snacks as well. You can grab a bag of pickle-flavored sunflower seeds. You can make sure you have pickle-flavored chips handy. I am all about all of the above.

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I even have a group of select friends and we text each other if we find a new pickle item. So my phone went off the other day to let me know about this new sandwich. Jimmy John's has the Picklewich.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

So we started the conversation and we needed to try it. It had our favorite thing, pickles. A Jimmy John's pickle instead of bread. Yes, a thousand times yes.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

The only problem when I tried to order on the app was that not one Jimmy John's in Amarillo had this sandwich yet. What? I couldn't believe it.

Jimmy Johns
Jimmy Johns

Though when I got on the app that was the first thing that I saw. I could get the new Picklewich or I could get a bag of pickle chips. I tried. I really did.

Jimmy Johns
Jimmy Johns

When I tried to place the order in Amarillo I was denied. Sorry. You can't get that here. Will Amarillo catch up with everyone else? What is the problem Amarillo Jimmy John's? Don't tease us like this.

Jimmy Johns
Jimmy Johns

Apparently this is another thing that Amarillo is behind in compared to Lubbock. The Picklewich has made it to Lubbock.

I want a recount. I want a do-over. I want what we deserve. Get the Picklewich from Jimmy John's here and fast.

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Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett

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Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett

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