When it comes to driving in Amarillo we want safe drivers. We want everyone to know the laws of the road. We want nice and courteous drivers. We want everyone to know just how to drive in our area. So when it comes to new drivers, and let's face it, even some that have been driving forever, practice makes perfect.

It's important to get plenty of time to get your feel for driving. Get out and drive. The more you do it the easier it will get. Nothing is more important for a new driver to get out and drive. Driving all over the area is best.


That way they can learn what to do in all situations. The more hours you can be out driving the better. That is best for those newly permitted drivers who are just counting down to their sixteenth birthday and the freedom that comes with that, the driver's license

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There are some great places in our area that are perfect for new drivers. Of course, they are going to have to learn to navigate all situations. They need to learn how to enter and exit I40. They need to learn how to work our construction areas. Heck, a lot of us still do. It's a never-ending learning process.

Where can new drivers first go to dip their toes in the water of driving? Where can they first start out before they are ready to take on our highway driving? There are plenty of places to get out and just drive.

Great Places to Take Teenage Drivers Out To Practice

  • Huge parking lots. Look for churches, schools, shopping centers, or the mall. It's best to go when they are closed so there is nothing in their way.
  • City parks. We have plenty of parks with both roads and parking lots to practice.
  • Get outside of the city. There are plenty of non-city roads. When my daughter was first learning we would go out to the Claude Highway and find some roads less traveled in that area. When I was growing up it was out near Rockwell Road. The years have changed but there are still rural roads to travel.
  • Amarillo College East Campus. They teach truck drivers how to drive out on that campus so it would be perfect for a young driver.

Once they get used to just driving then take them to a smaller city like Canyon and let them just drive around. Once they are getting used to that let them drive back home and jump on I27. They are going to have to get used to that as soon as possible.

Again practice makes perfect. These are teachable moments so you want as much time with you in the car as possible. I know this will wreak havoc on your nerves but it's better to do it now than wait until they are out with their friends.

Of course, parallel parking is a big thing too. Did you know that they can practice their skills at the DMV? It does make it easier to let them practice right where they will be taking the test. You will have to do it when they are closed but it is a lifesaver. Their newer location in Amarillo is 6592 East I40.

Driving is a huge responsibility. It is also a huge step in your teenager's life to start getting their freedom. Start that road off on the right foot. Make sure they get plenty of time behind the wheel. Get out and practice.

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