What’s Missing From Amarillo? Here’s 7 Different Things We Need.
Amarillo, TX. is full of all sorts of things. The problem with that is that a lot of it seems to be the same stuff all over the city. Every time we see new construction, we ask ourselves which coffee shop is going in or which gas station is about to pop up.
For a city with over 200,000 people living in it, you'd think there would be a bit more diversity when it comes to things to do, places to go, etc.
So instead of asking what we have too MUCH of, I decided to flip the script and ask what we need MORE of. Some of the answers were obvious ones that we see all the time, such as H-E-B and Costco. Yes, we know we want those.
I was curious to see if there was more than just those two things that we as a city want, and some of the answers were pleasantly surprising and ones I agreed with. Here's just a few of the best ones.
Target is something I definitely agree with here. No shade to Walmart, it's just fine, and we have several of them around the city. However, there's just something about Target that I love. I don't know if it's the atmosphere being different, or maybe selfishly it's because they always seem to have sports cards in stock. Either way, I've shopped at Target more than Walmart my entire life, I'd like to see at least one or two more pop up.
Ok this is a two-parter. When it comes to breakfast places, I couldn't agree more. We seem to have very few true breakfast places in town, and on Sunday, you can forget about getting in at a decent time. They jam up SO fast and you're stuck waiting for an hour.
When it comes to outdoor family places, this is the biggest one I'd advocate for. When I lived in Austin, there was a place just minutes from our house where we could have some drinks and food outside, and the kids would run around and play. They had several different types of games the kids could mess with and just a ton of open area. We would spend several hours there and everyone was happy.
Staying in the vein of restaurant/outdoor places, more rooftop bars would definitely be a win. Being able to overlook the city or a street packed with people is just cool, and I'd love to have more than the couple of places that provide that rooftop access.
Ok, this would be phenomenal wouldn't it? It seems like anywhere you go for live music, it's country. Nothing against country music, I like it just fine. However, I like a lot of different types of music, and it would be amazing if we could find different sounds and genres around the city on a regular basis.
I'd be down for some more trees. I think we all would, especially in a lot of parks where we could use the shade. We have so much flat land that just gets boring to look at. Unfortunately, our climate doesn't really lend itself to having these plush, green trees all over. I do miss Austin and the Hill Country for this reason.
It's funny, but it's true. There isn't a day I get on the roads here and just shake my head at someone. Whether it's someone speeding in and out of lanes to get somewhere faster, to people who don't know how to utilize the on-ramps, drivers in Amarillo are definitely not the best.
Really I just threw this one in because it's fun...and everything could use a little more cowbell.