It’s time to prepare to evacuate.

Wildfires are a fact of life on the High Plains.  The reality is, you may be asked to evacuate someday.  If that moment comes you likely will not have time to do anything other than leave.  Taking some time over the next few days to prepare to evacuate quickly can make it easier on you and your family.

You should put together a backpack that is ready to go.  Inside it should include daily medications, emergency food, a first aid kit, and copies of important papers like insurance, deeds, and titles.  Include whatever else you feel you would need to get through a couple of days.  Don’t forget water!

You should also put together an emergency plan and discuss it with all members of your family.  Your family could be scattered across town when you are asked to leave your home.  Designate a place for the family to meet across town from your home, such as a shopping center parking lot or gas station.  Discuss all routes to and from your home.  Don’t rely on your phone to work in a crisis when everyone else is jamming the lines.  Your family should know where to go before you are asked to leave your home.

Undoubtedly, each will have to tailor an evacuation preparedness plan that best fits their family and needs.  The important thing is to make a plan, have the discussion, and be ready to move if the authorities deem it necessary.



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