Flashback Friday: Sammy Hagar, Roger Rabbit, And A Ferrari
The video for I Can't Drive 55 is an homage to speed. The Red Rocker even has said that the clutch for the Ferrari being used in the video got burned out during the shoot.
An exploding ramp was used in the video, as well as props borrowed from Robert Zemeckis. If that name doesn't ring a bell, his work will. Robert was the director for several films including Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back To The Future, Romancing The Stone, and Forrest Gump.
The video was shot in the middle of the summer in California, and the sets that had been built had no air conditioning.
According to legend, Sarah Palin once got pulled over for speeding while listening to this song. Sammy Hagar reached out to her via Twitter, and offered to cover the cost of the ticket if she promised to do better next time.