Green Chile Willy’s is Back with an Amusing Job Posting for You
Looking for employees isn't always a lot of fun here in Amarillo. It can be a long process. Oh, and then after you hire someone it is luck of the draw as to whether or not they end up being a good fit for your business.
So you may have to start the whole process over again. You may put out an ad. People may apply. Heck, they may not even show up for the interview. Maybe they show up and you hire them. There is not always a guarantee that they will show up for the first day.

Then depending on how the first day goes maybe they don't show back up for day two or any day after. That is how it goes when you are needing employees. So if you can at least make your part of the process fun, why not? Green Chile Willy's seems to have a lot of fun with their job postings.
I don't know if it always works and they find the help that they need. I really hope it does because if I was looking for a job I feel I would want to work somewhere that has a sense of humor. Life is too short to not laugh at things, right?
This post is perfect. I mean they tell it like it really is. If you want a job that is a gimme job then it's definitely not the restaurant business. You don't want to know how many times you will hear the phrase if you have time to lean you have time to clean.
Restaurant work is not for the lazy but I will tell you it was probably one of my most enjoyable jobs. It's where you end up making life-long friends. It's one of those jobs where you will not find yourself bringing work home with you. You will not be expected to check emails through all hours of your life. Enjoy that time of yours.
You may end up looking back and saying I really liked working at a restaurant. Here is your chance where at least you can work with a smile on your face.
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