I don't necessarily like being that person but there is something you need to know. It may not be the news that makes you feel all bubbly but you have to realize this. I promise you that me telling you this info is better than letting the city tell you.

Oh, my warning is a lot cheaper too. Take a trip out to your alley if you have one. I bet you do. Look all around. Look at your area. Look at your neighbors. Heck, even look down the way.

I bet one neighbor has a mess of weeds growing behind their fence. If not maybe it is you. Someone in your area is making it tough for others. If you have lived in a home for a while you may already know this cold hard fact. That is your responsibility.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Maybe you have been in apartments for a bit and you just bought your first home. Or maybe you rented a house for the first time. This is an important time to realize what you need to do. If not you will get a letter in the mail. You just will.

If you let that grass and weeds grow uncontrollably it causes issues. It makes it difficult for city workers to read your water meter. It makes it difficult for your neighbors who use the alleyway to get out of their garage. Oh, it also attracts bugs which may lead their way into your house. Plus it just looks tacky.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

If you just go out when you are mowing give it a once over you will never have an issue. You don't? You may end up with a letter from the city offering to mow it for you. Now on the surface that seems nice. It is not because, of course, it comes with a price. A pretty high price at that.

So know your responsibility and please mow your property.

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